Medical support transforming lives


TVF receives a further extremely generous donation from The C A W Blackwell Discretionary Will Trust


How we help

Medical support transforming lives

Mobility Aids transforming the lives of children and youngsters

Toolkit Grants and Elective Bursaries. Supporting medical students - the NHS junior doctors of the future

Accessible Minibuses and Transport Costs

Medical Assistance

Case Studies

Mobility Aids - transforming lives

Accessible Transport - transforming lives

Toolkit Grants and Elective Bursaries - supporting future NHS junior doctors

Medical Assistance - transforming lives


Applying for a Grant

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BOOK NOW - TVF's Autumn Lunch on 8th November with Special Guest Ellen Alpsten

TVF's Winter Ball on 7th December 2024 - all tickets are reserved - please join the waiting list

Save the date 4th April for TVF's Quiz and Curry Evening 2025

Save the date for TCS London Marathon MyWay 27th April 2025

JOIN Get Lucky Local Lottery and support The Victoria Foundation

Corporate Support

Fundraise - arrange your own event or challenge

Other ways to support


Challenge Events - challenge yourself and help to transform lives!

Challenge yourself and help to transform lives - the choice is yours!



Richmond Golf Club Lady Captains Charity Four Ball and Lunch in aid of The Victoria Foundation

Thank you to all those who supported TVF Tartan and Tiaras

Massive congratulations to Dr Klaus Misch who cycled from London to Brighton in aid of TVF and has raised over £1,575!

TVF supporters enjoy the charity's annual party at The Petersham

TVF's Spring Lunch was a great success with over £900 raised

TVF awards a grant of £13,000 towards a playground structure for Clarendon Primary Center in Hampton

TVF's Summer Lunch with Special Guest Sir Trevor McDonald OBE raises over £3,400

Thank you to The Richmond Charities for awarding TVF a grant of £2,500

TVF's Spring Lunch raises over £1,000

Thank you to those who supported TVF's Coronation Afternoon Tea

TVF attends the official opening of the new staff garden at Kingston Hospital

Thank you to The Richmond Charities for awarding TVF a grant of £3,500

Watch TVF's latest video celebrating 15 years of transforming lives

Congratulations to our supporters who took part in the Virtual London Marathon and thank you to their sponsors

A huge thank you to those who supported TVF Doran Vineyards Wine Tasting Evening

TVF awards a grant of £8000 to Kingston Hospital Charity towards its new Staff Garden

TVF is delighted to be the runner up in Alberts in Bloom Summer 2022

Lunch with Sir Trevor McDonald OBE at The Petersham

TVF's QUIZ and CURRY Evening raises over £2,500

TVF runners in the London Landmark Half Marathon on 3rd April raise over £1,200

TVF Spring Newsletter 2022

Consilient Health partners with The Victoria Foundation to support medical students across the UK

TVF awards a grant of £5,000 to Imperial College London to support medical students

TVF is so grateful to The Richmond Charities for a grant of £2,500

A huge thank you to the Wharf and Get Lucky Local for a donation of £693.00

TVF Winter Ball on 11th December raises over £35,000 which will help to transform many more lives

The winners of TVFBNI auction prize enjoy lunch with Sir Trevor McDonald and Linda Duberley at The Petersham

TVF's Summer Newsletter 2021

Courtney has raised over £900 by completing a 5k challenge in order to help another youngster like her - please SPONSOR HER NOW

TVF's Annual Ball raised over £37,000 which will help to transform so many more lives

TVF has awarded a grant of £3,500 to Barnfield Riding for the Disabled Association

A huge thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who help in so many ways

TVF awards a grant of £5000 to the University of Leeds School of Medicine NHS Student Workforce fund

TVF CaptainTomChallenge100 raises over £800 please sponsor the team NOW

The Victoria Foundation Virtual Quiz and Prize Draw raises £950 - congratulations to the winners

TVF's Spring Newsletter 2021

Support The Victoria Foundation when you shop at Amazon Smile

TVF's awards of grant of £22,000 towards an accessible minibus for TAG Youth Club for Disabled Young People

TVF awards a £10,000 grant to Crossroads Care Richmond & Kingston from the proceeds of The Big Night In

The Richmond Charities awards TVF a grant of £2,000

TVF Big Night In raises over £18,000!

Congratulations to the winners of the Diamond Draw

TVF Autumn Newsletter

TVF Volunteers help to replant Kingston Hospital's Garden of Reflection

TVF's 25km Treks have raised over £8,500

TVF 25km Challenge raises over £3,500

Twickenham Rotary Club Quiz raises £165 in aid of TVF

JOIN Get Lucky Local Lottery and support The Victoria Foundation

My Ride London - over £2,300 raised

TVF funded accessible minibus providing a shopping service once again for the elderly.

A huge thank you to all TVF volunteers

The Victoria Foundation & New Victoria Hospital renew their support for Richmond Rugby Club

TVF receives an annual grant from The London Community Foundation VF Endowment Fund

Don't miss artist Dan Schlesinger's virtual private view on 14th June from 5.00pm - 5.30pm

A huge thank you to The Richmond Golf Club as TVF receives a cheque for £67,208.30!

TVF's Winter Ball raises £43,500 to help transform more lives

Petersham Nurseries Christmas Carol and Shopping evening raises £3,769

The Petersham's giant Easter egg raises £200 for The Victoria Foundation

The Richmond Golf Club Captain's Charity Day raises over £20,000 for TVF

The Richmond Golf Club Corporate Golf Day in aid of TVF

TVF Camino Challengers reach Santiago de Compostela

Don't miss TVF's Autumn 2018 Newsletter

The Victoria Foundation Winter Ball raises over £40,000

Don't miss TVF's Winter Newsletter 2018/2019

The Lensbury Sporting Dinner with Mike Tindall, MBE in aid of TVF

TVF's Summer Party at The Petersham Hotel

The Victoria Foundation Dragon Boat Challenge

Don't miss TVF's Autumn Winter Newsletter 2019

TVF Sports Dinner with Special Guest Professor Gordon Murray

A huge thank you to our Ride London Essex Riders who raised over £4,000!

TVF Annual Party moved from 15th September to 10th November

TVF awards a grant of £13,000 towards a playground structure for special needs school

TVF visit Clarendon Primary Center to see the impact of the new playground structure


TVF awards a grant of £2,500 towards an all-terrain buggy for TAG Youth Club for Disabled Youngsters

Your invitation to TVF's Winter Ball - book your tickets NOW

TVF Winter Newsletter 2023

TVF Summer Newsletter 2023

Read TVF's Autumn Newsletter NOW

TVF Afternoon Tea at The Petersham - special guest Anita Feron Clark


TVF Spring Newsletter 2023

Private Tour of the Gardens of Trumpeters House in June was a great success

A thank you to The Victoria Foundation and supporters from TAG Youth Club for Disabled Young People

Richmond Golf Club Lady Captains Lunch in aid of The Victoria Foundation

Don't miss The Victoria Foundation Newsletter

Huge congratulations to Ryan our youngest fundraiser!

TVF awards a grant to provide Mental Health and Wellbeing support programme for Carers

TVF visits Kingston Hospital to see the impact of the grants it has awarded

A visit to the new accessible minibus for Clarendon Secondary School

TVF's Winter Newsletter 2024 is out NOW

Don't miss TVF's Autumn Newsletter 2022 which is out NOW

TVF has awarded a grant of £798 to fund a Naipo massage chair with lying position for a Barnes resident

TVF has awarded a grant of £2,000 towards a lightweight wheelchair for a local youngster

TVF's Annual Dinner - Piers Storie-Pugh OBE TD DL - 11th April 2019

TVF supporters enjoy the charity's annual party on 10th November at The Petersham

TVF Autumn Newsletter - out now!

A huge thank you to all those who supported TVF's Crystal Anniversary Ball on 10th December

The Victoria Foundation transforming lives

Congratulations to TVF's Quiz Champions 2024 'The All Sorts'

Please donate now to support future generations of doctors

A visit to Strathmore School for the opening of the Soft Play room funded by TVF

Thank you to Richmond Golf Club Lady Captain Fiona Stewart for choosing TVF as the beneficiary charity


Read TVF's latest newsletter to find out about how we are transforming lives

To find out more about how your donations help to transform lives watch TVF's new video

TVF Summer Newsletter 2022

TVF awards a grant to Clarendon School towards an accessible minibus

The Victoria Foundation's grant support for students studying medicine at Nottingham University

Don't miss The Victoria Foundation Winter Ball

TVF is delighted to support Kingston Hospital Charity once again ...

The Richmond May Ball raises £60,000

VIEWS Art Project Preview at the celebration of the restoration of the Grand Marble Hall at The Star and Garter.

Private View by Professor Gordon Murray CBE in aid of TVF raises £4,000

Phoenix Music Festival Richmond raises over £2,500 for The Victoria Foundation!

TVF'S Vietnam and Cycling Challenges raise £40,000

A huge thank you to Ivan Pryce for running the London Marathon in aid of TVF and for raising over £1,700

VIEWS Exhibition and sale of original works of art and an accompanying book 29th - 30th June at Royal Mid-Surrey Golf Club

Royal Afternoon Tea at the Richmond Gate Hotel raises £1,300 in support of the Victoria Foundation.

TVF awards a grant to the Holly Lodge Centre in Richmond Park to fund a much needed hoist

The Phoenix Music Festival on 9th July raises £1,964.89

Sophie Cornish MBE,, is the special guest at a sell-out dinner in aid of The Victoria Foundation.

TVF is delighted to award a grant to the Hydration Foundation to provide hands-free drinking units for the elderly

TVF Spring Lunch with Tit Fer Tat Hats raised over £900

Please support TVF's Special Wheels Appeal for an accessible minibus for

Richmond Running Festival Runners raise over £2,000 for The Victoria Foundation with lots more to come!

The Victoria Foundation Brazil Challenge raises over £35,000

The New Victoria Hospital Staff and Consultants raise over £2000 for The Victoria Foundation.

The Athena Summer Party and Auction raises over £900!

TVF Autumn Winter Newsletter 2021

TVF Spring Newsletter 2020

TVF supporters raise over £3,000 by taking part in the London Landmarks Half Marathon - sign up now for LLHM on 3rd April 2021

The New Victoria Hospital Staff and Consultants Dragon Boat Challenge Teams raise over £4,000 for The Victoria Foundation.

TVF Autumn Lunch 25th October - special guest Elizabeth Morton

TVF Literary Lunch with Special Guest Anne Sebba raises over £2,000

Richmond Running Festival Runners raise over £1,200 for The Victoria Foundation with more pledged to come in!

A huge thank you to Petersham Open Gardens for choosing TVF as one of its four beneficiary charities

The Victoria Foundation awards a grant of £15,000 to Greenmead Primary School

Meet The Victoria Foundation Ambassadors who support the charity in so many ways.

A huge thank you to our supporters who completed TVF's 25k London Bridges Challenge and who have raised over £4,500!

Don't miss The Victoria Foundation Summer Newsletter

Launch of VIEWS Art Exhibition celebrating the restoration and refurbishment of The Star and Garter by London Square

TVF's Newsletter April 2019

Thank you to The Richmond Charities for a grant of £1,500

The Victoria Foundation Summer Party

The Victoria Foundation Winter Ball raises over £38,000 on the night!

TVF's Diamond Draw is CLOSED - Congratulations to the winner of the Diamond Earrings and other prizes

Don't miss The Victoria Foundation Autumn Newsletter

TVF's Kingston Dragon Boat Challenge Team raise over £1,000

Support TVF's Special Wheels Appeal NOW - every donation will help to fund an accessible minibus for Clarendon School

The Victoria Foundation Masquerade Ball 9th December 2017

Sports Dinner hosted by John Inverdale and Dick Best in aid of TVF in The Cellar, Twickenham Stadium.

Love Lunch at the Bingham Hotel with TVF Ambassador Linda Duberley

TVF's Annual Party - guests had a marvellous time at The Petersham and over £5,500 raised to date!

TVF - 3 offices available for rent in St David's House - TW10 6DG

Watch TVF's latest video and see how we are transforming lives in the local and wider community

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